we are committed.


Stefanutti Stocks has established a culture of investing in people. We are committed to this organisational value as it provides the framework for personal growth and sustainable development of our employees, colleagues and peers, as well as the local communities within which we operate.

We are incredibly passionate and committed to our sustainability initiatives, and the people, businesses and organisations we partner with and with whom we often establish long-term relationships with. A few of our more recent skills development, socio-economic development, enterprise development and other sustainability initiatives are detailed below.

For more in-depth case-studies, information or background on what we do, please view our annual Sustainability Reports, or for a historical snapshot of our initiatives, please view the Sizimisele, a magazine published by the group until 2019.


Our culture of investing in people provides the framework for personal growth and development of our employees, our colleagues and our peers. At the same time, our people are given the tools to take responsibility and ownership.

By creating an employer brand with which people strive to be associated, we attract talent that is highly skilled and energised by the challenges and opportunities that we provide. Our remuneration packages are very competitive, however, we place emphasis on performance-related benefits as well as the opportunity for individual growth.

Our HR service to all Stefanutti Stocks’ employees focuses on ensuring employee well-being, training, induction, recognition and reward and leadership development, in order to foster a culture based on superior performance which will enable all of us to realise our full potential.

For more information please view:

To find out more about available opportunities please visit our careers portal

Environment team


RPM contractor development - mentorship session

Stefanutti Stocks strives to enable viable B-BBEE suppliers to participate in the main stream of the economy by facilitating access to Stefanutti Stocks’ procurement activities pertaining to our procurement needs and in line with our project requirements.

We encourage current non-compliant B-BBEE suppliers to become B-BBEE compliant and to adopt a supportive culture when engaging and/or doing business with black empowered, EME or QSE suppliers.

In pursuit of our group’s preferential procurement objectives, and because small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) play a crucial role in job creation and economic growth in South Africa, we consider B-BBEE-compliant vendors who are able to guarantee performance, quality and safety standards while delivering competitive prices. We encourage our vendors to be a B-BBEE contributor level six or better.

Enterprise Development

Our group’s strategy is to foster strong working relationships with competent black-owned companies and to develop them in a tangible and meaningful way to ensure that these companies become sustainable while increasing their capacity to take on larger and more complex projects.

A few recent enterprise development initiatives are detailed below. For more case-studies, information or background on what we do, please view our annual Sustainability Reports as well as the Sizimisele, a magazine published by the group until 2020.

Enterprise Development Case study 2022: PAMCO

Enterprise Development Case study 2022: PAMCO

Enterprise overview Gauteng-based contractor Pamco Waterproofing and Leaks (PAMCO) is a 100% black-owned business that has operated in the construction sector since 2007. It is a Level 2 B-BBEE contributor with a CIDB Grade 6...

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Sharpshell Engineering (2019/20)

Sharpshell Engineering (2019/20)

In 2019 Sharpshell joined the Stefanutti Stocks ED programme. Three development areas were identified and targeted with the aim of supporting the ED partner’s sustainability and growth. These included marketing and branding with...

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Socio-Economic Development (SED)

We focus on SED initiatives that address education in the communities surrounding our operations, with an emphasis on initiatives that promote mathematics and science.

A few recent socio-economic development initiatives are detailed below. For more case-studies, information or background on what we do, please view our annual Sustainability Reports as well as the Sizimisele, a magazine published by the group until 2020.

Adams College (2018 and 2019)

Adams College (2018 and 2019)

In 2018 following a period of research, procurement, customisation, ensuring all the paperwork was in place, and delivery from Johannesburg to Durban, a brand-new school bus was delivered to Adams College. The keys to the...

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Skills & Development

A talented and diverse workforce is key to delivering our long-term sustainability and the success of our operations are dependent on attracting, developing, and retaining a capable and motivated workforce. We invest in our employee development as an important retention strategy, but also, because it is essential to continually improve the knowledge, skills and experience of our employees in order to achieve our group’s strategic objectives.

Recent skills development initiatives are detailed below. For more detailed case-studies, information or background on what we do, please view our annual Sustainability Reports, or for a historical snapshot of our initiatives, please view the Sizimisele, a magazine published by the group until 2019.

Apprenticeship Programme (2020/21)

Apprenticeship Programme (2020/21)

Lawrence Mkhabele began his apprenticeship as a diesel mechanic with Stefanutti Stocks Mechanical in 2018 and passed his trade test in January 2021. While he was serving his apprenticeship in the workshop (as well as during his...

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