single-point responsibility
for multidisciplinary projects

Premier Project Profile

Kazerne Transit-Oriented Development

The design and supply of deep-level foundations for the Kazerne Transit-Oriented Development in Newtown (Johannesburg), was undertaken for Sandvik Mining and Construction (Pty) Limited by the Stefanutti Stocks Geotechnical Discipline, between February and October 2015.

Background: The Kazerne Transit-Oriented Development is a mixed-use development that includes parking area for + 1000 long distance and cross border minibus taxis and busses. The initial five-month contract to complete the scope of works was extended by two-and-a-half months to accommodate the changes made to the original scope of works.

The Project Scope

The project scope comprised of bulk earthworks, permanent lateral support, structural piles and additional work in the form of a temporary traffic diversion for the bus lane on Harrison Street.

During the early stages of the project early hard rock refusals were encountered at depths between 8 to 11 metres. The project team carried out further geotechnical investigations – via core and percussion drilling – to gather further geotechnical data on the area. The additional investigation confirmed the hard rock refusals were on andesite core stones. The core drilling penetration rate, through the hard rock core stones, reached between 0.08 to 0.1 metre/hour.

Permanent lateral support

Mine sands were encountered during the installation of the permanent lateral support on the north-eastern boundary of the site (below Harrison Street). This required a redesign for the anchors and piles in this section, which saw the perimeter piles installed closer together and permanent casings used in the free-length of the anchors.

Structural piling

The general soil profile encountered during the structural piling comprised of transported soils, a thick horizon of residual andesite, followed by very soft rock to hard rock andesite. These materials ranged from 16 to 27 metres below the natural ground level, with the water table at eight metres.

In order to prevent side wall collapses an effective and suitable piling system was designed, that included drilling piles under Polymer. This methodology was mainly implemented for the large diameter piles, that were installed between 18 to 30 metres deep. The use of polymer eliminated the use of temporary casings and allowed Stefanutti Stocks Geotechnical to advance more effectively through the core stone horizon.

The project management and professional team worked closely together to resolve all challenges, and the project was completed successfully, within budget, and achieved a Lost Time Injury Frequency of zero.

Notable quantities

  • 25 039m3 bulk earthworks
  • 1 750m permanent lateral support
  • 444 piles, including:
    • 242 Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piles (up to 23m deep)
    • 133 polymer-technology drilled piles (up to 30m deep)
    • 65 Auger Cast in Situ (ACIS) soldier piles (up to nine metres deep)

Customer feedback

Stefanutti Stocks: Geotechnical Discipline

excellence in execution