single-point responsibility
for multidisciplinary projects

Premier Project Profile

iThemba LABS

The multidisciplinary building and services infrastructure project for the installation and operation of the new 70MeV Cyclotron unit at iThemba LABS facility in the Western Cape is being constructed by the Stefanutti Stocks Building Discipline. Construction commenced in June 2021, with completion expected at the of 2022.

Background: iThemba, the South African Laboratories for Accelerator Based Sciences is a multidisciplinary research facility that is based on the development, operation and use of particle accelerators and related research equipment. The company operates the only cyclotron facilities on the African continent and the separated sector cyclotron is the largest accelerator facility in the Southern Hemisphere. It has acquired a 70MeV Cyclotron (from IBA), to be installed at its Faure site. The cyclotron will be dedicated to the production of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosing and treating critical illnesses worldwide and is part of Phase One of the South African Isotope Facility (SAIF). It will also be used by iThemba LABS to broaden its technical skills in Accelerator Based Sciences and Technologies training for young South Africans.

The Project Scope

The scope encompasses extensive structural concrete additions and changes to the concrete vaults, a repurposed control room, new mechanical and electrical plantrooms, a waste handling building and the associated external work.

Construction on the multidisciplinary project included CFA piling (up to 900mm diameter piles) by Stefanutti Stocks Geotechnical, as well as concrete rehabilitation (undertaken by Stefanutti Stocks Civils) on existing structures.

The infrastructure for the new 70MeV Cyclotron was constructed within an existing structure therefore upfront exploration followed by some engineering work was undertaken, as the existing concrete, when tested, was found to be unsuitable in certain areas.

Notable aspects of this contract include the construction of up to three-metre thick concrete walls (to contain radiation) to the cyclotron vaults; the installations of baseplates to an accuracy within 0,5mm, and three-metre long angular core drilling and grouting of sleeves to an accuracy of 0,5mm. The grouting was undertaken by Stefanutti Stocks Civils’ specialist concrete rehabilitation and repair team.

Stefanutti Stocks and IBA (the Cyclotron supplier) surveyed the baseplates and the directional sleeves, and these were found suitable for the rigging. The rigging and installation of the cyclotron took place, within the live construction site, over a three week period in April 2022. Construction work taking place during this time was limited and access carefully managed to ensure continued safe operations.

Stefanutti Stocks is involving the local community in various construction activities (such as supervision, formwork, placing of concrete, reinforcing, etc.) and has also appointed a number of people from the community to work on the project.

The project is successfully nearing completion, being delivered to specifications, and maintaining  a Lost Time Injury Frequency of zero.

Customer feedback

Stefanutti Stocks: Building Discipline

excellence in execution