single-point responsibility
for multidisciplinary projects

Heritage Project Profile

D293 Zambezi to Chavuma road upgrade

The D293 Zambezi to Chavuma road upgrade in the North-western Province of Zambia was undertaken by multidisciplinary, general contracting company Stefanutti Stocks Zambia. The transport infrastructure contract was undertaken for the Roads Development Agency – Zambia, between January 2011 and July 2013.

Background: Due to the rural location of the project, progress on the contract was well-documented and covered by the media (ZNBC). As the project was used as part of political campaign strategy Stefanutti Stocks was put under great pressure to perform and finish on programme. This, despite the many challenges presented by the remote location, logistics and politics surrounding the various cultural groups (Zambian and foreign).

The Project Scope

The existing seven-metre-wide gravel road was upgraded to 9.1m wide (shoulder to shoulder) with a 6.1m double seal chip and spray carriageway. The base course was stabilised with 3% cement content. Most of the workforce on site were recruited from the local communities, with only the very specialised activities (such as operators and supervision) requiring expatriates. At peak the contract employed 250 people, spanning a broad spectrum of skills from labour and operators to engineers, as well as supporting staff including watchmen and laboratory staff etc. The contract was completed on programme and was LTI-free. Notable quantities

  • 600 000m³ earthworks
  • 550 0000m2 road surfacing
  • 9 000m³ grouted stone pitching
  • 252km road marking
  • 7 900ton cement
  • 2 000m stormwater drainage

Customer feedback

Stefanutti Stocks: Zambia

excellence in execution