single-point responsibility
for multidisciplinary projects
Premier Project Profile
Botswana’s Maun International Airport
This premier airport renovation, at Botswana’s Maun International Airport in Ngamiland District, was undertaken by Stefanutti Stocks Botswana for the Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana (CAAB) between April 2019 and February 2022.
Background: Maun International Airport officially opened in 1996 and is regarded as one of the busiest airports in the Southern African region. The renovation of the airport was undertaken to increase its capacity and upgrade the airport and its facilities to international standards. The airport remained fully operational – with high footfall and volumes of flights – during construction.
The Project Scope
The Maun Airport Terminal Building renovation works consisted of adding an additional 2 590m2 floor area to the existing 1 200m2 terminal building. This new space includes an expanded public concourse, enlarged departure halls, provision of meet and great areas, separation of domestic and international passengers for security screening, the provision of space for refreshment vendors in the terminal building, improved air-conditioning, as well as several systems, installations and services that would bring the airport in line with international standards. The project phases encompassed:
- Phase one: construction of new arrival and departure lounges.
- Phase two: renovation of the existing airport building while keeping the airport in full operation, plus construction of new public parking and walkways.
- Phase three: construction of entrance canopy, lift and façade.
The Structure The facade of the structure consisted mainly of Kingspan partitioning and a curtain walling system. The facade system complemented the noisy airport environment as the Kingspan cladding and roofing system supports good acoustics. The curtain wall system – consisting of 25mm thick smart insulating glass Insulvue™ solar shield and laminated safety glass Intruderprufe™ – also contributes to the good acoustic quality. The floors were finished with Polyflor (2000 PUR), a hardwearing marbleised homogeneous nondirectional vinyl sheet flooring with a 2,5mm thick polyurethane coating. The floor is complemented by metal strip- and suspended ceilings. The HVAC, Electrical and Special Airport systems were installed by Aviation Project Management Systems (APMS). These included an Access Control System (ACS), Video Surveillance and Storage (VSS), Passenger & Baggage Screening (P/BSS), Public Address (PAS), Flight Information Display System (FIDS), Structured Cabling System (SCS), Local Area Network (LAN), Wireless Network (Wi-Fi), IP Telephony (IPT), Master Clock System (MAS), and Baggage Handling. Notable quantities
- 810m3 concrete
- 2 130m2 Kingspan roof sheeting
- 3 790m2 ceilings
- 1 110m2 Kingspan partitioning
- 2 400m2 brick walling
- 3 055m2 vinyl sheeting
- 1 650m2tiling
- 126ton structural steel
- 465m2 curtain walling
- 6 200m2 paving
Customer feedback
Stefanutti Stocks: Botswana
excellence in execution