mining services
partner of choice


Stefanutti Stocks’ capabilities within the Tailings Management discipline include outsourced mine residue management and the provision of reclamation solutions to most mining sectors.

We undertake the construction, operation and management of disposal and recovery facilities and all associated infrastructure. Our hydraulic reclamation capabilities encompass the systematic reclamation of pre-planned cut sections of the existing tailings facilities, and we also undertake environmental clean-up of residue spills in vlei areas and water courses.

Our offering to clients encompasses operations and management of the full life cycle of a tailings storage facility, including environmental closure planning and implementation. Our professional personnel, experienced teams, and our fleet of requisite plant and equipment ensures that we are afford smooth and efficient delivery of our residue management contracts.

excellence in execution

Our tailings and residue management solutions are utilised by a comprehensive spectrum of mineral and metals mining and industrial clients. We manage industrial and hazardous waste and ash on behalf of clients who extract gold, nickel, cobalt, copper, coal, chrome, gypsum, alluvial diamonds, heavy minerals, base metals, phosphate, kimberlite, fluorspar, and platinum.

Stefanutti Stocks tailings management client portfolio includes, or has included, most well-known mining and mineral houses such as Assmang, African Rainbow Minerals. ERGO, Ticor, Avmin, Petra Diamonds, Avgold, Xstrata, Mimosa, Namdeb, Norilsk, Metorex, Amplat, Etruscan, Harmony, De Beers, Gold Fields, Transhex, Debswana, Samancor, Anglo Gold Ashanti, South Deep, Grinaker – LTA, BHP Billiton, Simmer & Jack, Hernic Ferrochrome, Gold 1, Rand Uranium, Sibanye Gold, Foskor, Glencor and Pan African Resources.

Tailings Operations

Our innovative and leading-edge technology is applied during the design, construction, and operation phases of our contracts. We have pioneered the international trend of paste deposition in South Africa and were also the first contractor in the country to undertake the construction and operations of a thickener and associated Tailings Storage Facility as an integrated project.

Furthermore, Stefanutti Stocks constructs, and operates the full range of conventional disposal facilities (cyclone, spigot, ring dyke, and so forth)

Hydraulic Reclamation

Our reclamation services are done via hydraulic reclamation, where we first reclaim a predetermined section of the top layer of the facility, followed by systematic reclamation of pre-planned cut sections.

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