construction group
Stefanutti Stocks has an established track record of successfully constructing and delivering various types of energy generation facilities and associated infrastructure.
We have undertaken projects that encompass traditional (coal-fired) energy generation, nuclear power, wind and solar energy, as well as waste-to-energy conversion plants. In addition we have the mechanical capability to construct tank and containment systems for hydrogen generation from ammonia, and are one of southern Africa’s premier concrete infrastructure repair, maintenance and rehabilitation contractors.
Our broad spectrum of expertise, our strong solution-based culture and our capacity across the construction environment enables us to offer a single point of responsibility on multidisciplinary energy infrastructure development projects, effectively removing the interface risk from these type of projects.
excellence in execution
Multidisciplinary capabilities
Our multidisciplinary nature and our propensity for focusing on pre-planning supports our ability to deliver world-class energy infrastructure projects.
Our roads & earthworks, geotechnical, civils, building, mechanical, electrical and oil & gas disciplines have at times collaborated on large infrastructure development projects, including for the energy sector (various independent power providers, ESKOM), mining houses (SAMANCOR, Anglo American, ASSMANG etc.), petrochemical clients (SASOL, SAPREF, VOPAK etc.), and we have a dedicated Renewable Energy Discipline to service this market. Stefanutti Stocks also acts as a single-provider solution for data centre and associated infrastructure construction.
Our Renewable Discipline is headed by industry leading experts. The Discipline focuses on Balance of Plant construction in both the wind and solar sectors of this industry and draws on the various other disciplines the Group offers.
A one-stop solution for energy infrastructure
Our engineering, civils and general construction capabilities span bulk earthworks, piling and geotechnical, building and management, ME&I (mechanical, electrical & instrumentation), structures (including specialized steel structures) and civils. We have in-house BIM 4 and 5D planning and execution capability.
Our in-house MEP capability and know-how means that we have the experience to either manage specialist subcontractors, on behalf of our client, or in fact complete all ME&I and structural steel work in-house. We also have our own in-house pipe-spooling fabrication facility.
This in-house MEP capability also means that we can both price and execute the structural steel, electrical and mechanical disciplines in house, thereby offering our clients a complete one-stop solution.
Structural maintenance
Concrete rehabilitation and infrastructure repair projects are frequently undertaken at brownfield sites where the impact of the rehabilitation work on ongoing production must be kept to a minimum. Our track record of working in live environments; addressing costly, complex needs with innovative, safe, simple and cost-effective solutions; and our continued successful project delivery has resulted in repeat business from many key clients.
We offer the energy sector economical repair strategies and implement market-leading technologies to ensure that existing and aging infrastructure assets stay in service for their intended lifespan.
Our Disciplines




Road & Earthworks

Electrical & Instrumentation


Oil & Gas

Mining Services

Stefanutti Stocks multidisciplinary construction group
Recent energy infrastructure projects include:

Pre-cast towers for Nxuba Windfarm
During 2019 Stefanutti Stocks Civils Discipline manufactured pre-cast concrete towers for the Nxuba Wind farm in Somerset East, Cape Province. The prefab facility, constructed by Stefanutti Stocks, included two sixty-four-ton gantry cranes, rebar jigs, hydraulically operated moulds and a full-equipped concrete laboratory on site. The self-compacting concrete met BSI1 Standards and achieved a concrete compressive strength of 80 Mpa at twenty-eight days and 25 MPa at sixteen hours, or at eight hours with heat curing. The supply chain was managed carefully to ensure long lead time products procured abroad, arrive prior to being required.

Samancor: Waste to Energy
Stefanutti Stocks Civils Discipline constructed a mini power station for its client Resonant Environmental Technologies (Pty) Ltd at Samancor’s Tubatse Chrome (Pty) Ltd Ferrochrome smelter in Steelpoort. The facility enables the smelter to supplement its power requirements by generating power (to be fed back into the system) from the waste steam emitted by its boilers. The civils scope of work included the construction of air-cooled condenser (ACC) support structure (consisting of twenty 16-metre high, 750mm square columns, connected by a grid of reinforced concrete beams 1-metre deep and 0.5-metre wide) and foundations for the turbine generator and house. Two turbine generator support structures were constructed as mirror images of each other; the 19-metre-thick turbine table is supported by six 1m2 columns almost seven metres off the ground. The final scope also included an extensive network of cable trenches and slabs, which cover both turbine structures.

Refurbishment of civil structures on Koeberg’s nuclear island
In 2017 to 2018 the Stefanutti Stocks Civils Discipline undertook concrete repairs to Koeberg Power Station Unit’s 1 and 2 fuel buildings and containment buildings in order to extend the design life and assist in reducing the impact of extreme natural and human induced events. The project included the evaluation of the buildings’ structural integrity as well as reinforced concrete rehabilitation.

Power block construction at Concentrated Solar Plants (CSP)
In 2016 Stefanutti Stocks undertook the civil construction of the power block for the 100MW Kathu CSP for Liciastar (Pty) Ltd. The scope of work included the earthworks (excavation and backfill) as well as the reinforced concrete construction of various structures, including the foundations for the turbine, heat transfer, molten salt tank, the electrical building, the water treatment, various tanks as well as the pipe rack foundations.

Various power station concrete rehabilitation projects
For the past 24 years Stefanutti Stocks has, and continues to, undertake concrete rehabilitation projects for energy and petrochemical infrastructure. This includes maintenance, repair, and refurbishments of chimney/smokestack as well as cooling tower.

Design & Build: High Voltage self-build step down project
Stefanutti Stocks designed, constructed, and delivered a new 132 kV client-owned High-Voltage (HV) substation. This included the Overhead Line (OHL) and a utility substation that would meet the power requirements for an existing Data Center project.
The project consisted of an HV step down substation that converts 132kV to 22Kv and included the underground cables that connect the client to the utility substation. The design and build included an optical ground wire (OPGW) replacement, from various utility substations along the supply route.
The scope of works included all permits, environmental management, ownership transfers and liaison with Eskom regarding shutdowns for upgrade works.

Multidisciplinary Kusile Power Station
The Roads & Earthworks, Geotechnical, Building, Civils and Mechanical Disciplines were involved during various stages and for various aspects of the mega Kusile Power Station project.
Stefanutti Stocks Roads & Earthworks commenced the bulk and restricted excavation for the power station in 2009, a contract which saw the division excavate in excess of 1,5-million-m3 and backfill in excess of 1-million-m3. The division’s scope of work also included blasting, construction of three dirty dams, laying of pipelines and the construction of access roads.
South Africa’s largest piling contract, awarded to Stefanutti Stocks Geotechnical (lead partner) in a Joint Venture, was completed in 2011. The project entailed the design and construction of 8 540 auger cast in-situ piles (800 – 1 200mm diameter) designed to carry their loads in a combination of side shear and end bearing. Other highlights included the removal of boulders and obstructions using coring barrels, and the utilisation of 77 725m3 of concrete and 9 229 tons of rebar.
Stefanutti Stocks Civils in a separate Joint Venture, also undertook the design and construction of the material handling silos including six 5 000-ton fly-ash storage silos, two 1 000-ton coal surcharge silos, the ash-conditioning building, and fly-ash dump. A further project the division undertook at Kusile saw it apply its resources and skills to the structural concrete construction of the coal stock yard, terrace material handling and limestone material handling facilities.
Stefanutti Stocks Building, again in a Joint Venture, undertook the construction of 84 buildings and structures that form an integral part of the 4 800MW Kusile Power Station. These structures include conventional buildings, 27 substations, a water treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant, access control building, workshop, administration offices as well as the masonry and finishes within the six-storey auxiliary bays that alone comprise of 20-million bricks.
Stefanutti Stocks Mechanical undertook the fabrication and erection of steel work to six miscellaneous structures, as well as the erection of free issue steel work to a further five structures.
The most high-profile and visually evident aspect of this megaproject was the civil works contract undertaken by the Kusile Civils Works Joint Venture (KCWJV) with Stefanutti Stocks Civils as the lead partner. For more detail on the main civil works contract